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Here's What Dad Really Wants for Father's Day (According to a New Poll)

Here's What Dad Really Wants for Father's Day (According to a New Poll)
A new poll of 2,000 dads revealed what American fathers really want for Father's Day, and some of the favorite gifts won't cost you any money at all.

Not sure what to get dad for Father's Day this year? According to a new survey, you're better off reaching for the phone, than buying a "World's Best Dad" mug.

The new poll of 2,000 dads revealed that more than three in four dads (76 percent) prefer an experience over a physical gift for Father's Day.

And the top gift you can give your dad this year? A simple phone call.

And, surprisingly, the survey found that 57 percent of dads actually said it's their favorite day of the year.

Most dads, it turns out, are easy to please. While a phone call from their kids topped the list of most desired gift, 38 percent of dads said they could really just go with some peace and quiet-and one in three just want to be able to watch whatever they want on the TV.

Pass him the remote control, for a change.

Four in ten Americans (41 percent) said they would appreciate a big juicy steak for Father's Day this year. Taking in a ball game with the family also scored high, with 38 percent saying that sounded like the perfect treat.

64 percent of dads agreed that they specifically don't want anything that says "World's Best Dad" on it.

Sitting down for a meal with dad this Father's Day is apparently a very good idea, according to the research, as 79 percent of dads say they like to bond with their children over food. But if it's a cook-out, plan on staying away from the grill, because one in three dads say that if someone is grilling, it's gonna be them.

Another six in ten confident dads feel like there's no better cook in the house than themselves, too, according to the survey, conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Omaha Steaks.

Father's Day is a celebration of dads-and all their classic-dad moments. Maybe one of the most loving things you can do is laugh at their "dad jokes" and cheer for them when they bust out a cheesy dance move in the living room.


Phone call from my kid(s) 47% A big juicy steak 41% Peace and quiet 38% Taking in a ball game with the family 38% An ice cold beer or two 35% A cheaper, practical gift (socks, tie, etc.) 35% Glass of wine 34% Watch whatever I want on TV 34% Glass of whiskey 29% A physical, expensive gift (apple watch, etc.) 29%

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