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Teens Trudge in Frigid Cold for Kids on Other Side of Globe

Teens Trudge in Frigid Cold for Kids on Other Side of Globe
All throughout December, high school students walked to school in the frigid Minnesota temperatures (zero degrees) to symbolically walk in the shoes of thirsty children who have no clean water access near their homes, and to raise money to do something about it. It's called the Wayzata Walk for Water.

All throughout December, high school students walked to school in the frigid Minnesota temperatures (zero degrees) to symbolically "walk in the shoes of thirsty children" who have no clean water access near their homes, and to raise money to do something about it.

"The Wayzata Walk for Water, initiated by three Wayzata High students, kicked off a districtwide effort to raise enough money to provide an elementary school in the Philippines with a water system." 

Their walking was inspired by the non-profit organization, H2O for Life and their school-to-school matching program . Last year there were 16 schools involved in the program, raising money for wells around the world, while this year there are over 100 schools active. To learn more about how it works you can visit www.h2oforlifeschools.org.

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