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Watch The Wild Mardi Gras Festivities Unfold In a Mouthwatering Montage

Watch The Wild Mardi Gras Festivities Unfold In a Mouthwatering Montage
If you've never been in New Orleans before Fat Tuesday, check out this wonderful video of festivities from Saturday. You'll want to pack your bags.

When someone asks what Mardi Gras is... THIS is what Mardi Gras is!

Posted by Crista Rock on Saturday, February 6, 2016

When someone asks what Mardi Gras is... THIS is what Mardi Gras is!


It's that time of year again.

Time for the King Cake, beads, dancing, parties, costumes, parades, booze, and shenanigans: Mardi Gras.

If you've never been down in good ol' New Orleans when Fat Tuesday rolls around, just take a look at the video Christa Rock posted to Facebook on Saturday; it's a perfect montage of the kind of outrageous antics you're missing out on.

Mardi Gras takes place on the Tuesday before the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday. Catholics get all the ‘sin' out of their systems before giving up their luxuries for the following six weeks until Easter Sunday.

So as the French say down in Louisiana, Laissez les bon temps rouler — "Let the good times roll"…

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