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Watch the Sweet Moment a Herd of Cows Charge Up a Hill to Listen to Little Girl's Concertina

Watch the Sweet Moment a Herd of Cows Charge Up a Hill to Listen to Little Girl's Concertina
While playing an instrument in front of an audience can be stressful, young Grace Lehane was delighted to find that her concertina was magnetizing a crowd – a crowd of cows, that is.

Who knew that cows would mooooove so quickly for music?

Last year, a young Irish girl named Grace began serenading her father's herd of cows.

The youngster can be seen perched on a stool overlooking one of the fields on her father's farm in Kilmichael Cork, Ireland.

Thanks to a little encouragement from her dad Denis Lehane, Grace begins playing a tune on her concertina.

The song, which is by Irish musician Sharon Shannon, is apparently popular with the bovine – because as Grace continues playing the song, a herd of cows can be seen eagerly charging up a hill towards the music.

Once the attentive cattle arrive at the fence, they line up in front of the young musician and quietly delight in the twinkly tune.

And the little girl's reaction to her adoring audience says it all.

(WATCH the video below)

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