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Watch Team of Teens Rush to the Rescue of Older Couple Trapped Under Their Car

Watch Team of Teens Rush to the Rescue of Older Couple Trapped Under Their Car
None of the Black Knights were over 13, but they demonstrated the strength of men when they rushed to the rescue of a couple in trouble.

A youth football team was on the way home from winning a game last weekend when they were faced with a situation that truly tested their teamwork—luckily, they triumphed over that as well.

Returning to Boise, Idaho from a tournament in California, the victorious Black Knights saw an SUV flip off the road in front of them.

The coach immediately pulled over and the team members, all of whom were 13 years or younger, rushed to rescue the couple who was trapped inside the car.

After they helped the man out of the car, they turned their attention to his wife, who was trapped by her seatbelt. One of the teens used a knife to cut the seatbelt free, and then the boys combined their strength (and harnessed their adrenaline) to lift the SUV off the ground so a coach could help the woman out of the wreckage.

The husband and wife, Allen and Maggie Hartman, are recovering from some broken ribs, but are otherwise grateful that the Black Knights became ‘white knights' for a day.

(WATCH the video below)

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