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Watch Fun-Loving Skydivers Pull Off Pizza Delivery at 2,000 Feet in the Air

Watch Fun-Loving Skydivers Pull Off Pizza Delivery at 2,000 Feet in the Air
For her 24th birthday—and 300th skydive—McKenna Knipe teamed up with her fellow skydiving experts to orchestrate a pizza delivery at 2,000 feet.

This is the incredible moment a hungry skydiver managed to have pizza delivered to her at more than 2,000 feet in the air.

24-year-old McKenna Knipe, who is known for her high altitude "food reviews" was filmed during her 300th jump at Skydive City in Tampa, Florida.

The footage shows fellow skydiver Brain Stempin perching himself atop Mckenna's parachute before producing a Dominos pizza and delivering it to her during the duo's descent.

"This jump took place at Skydive City on my birthday, January 14, 2020," said McKenna. "It was my 300th jump, along with my first CRW jump. CRW stands for ‘canopy relative work'—it is considered one of the most dangerous disciplines in skydiving.

"I met Brian Stempin about two hours before we did the jump. Brian is what the skydiving world calls an experienced CRW Dawg."

"He said he had the idea to deliver a pizza to me during a CRW jump for quite some time … so we met and immediately made it happen. My lose friends Anthony Zerbonia and Charlie Mather picked up a Dominos pizza while Brian gave me an hour-long safety debriefing (listing all the things that could go wrong and how to handle it)."

"We jumped at 13,000 ft and Anthony Zerbonia and Garth Baker trailed behind us getting outside video.

"We managed to pull off several docks, a down plane, and pizza delivery by 2,000 feet. It was the most epic jump I have done to date. Life is awesome."

(WATCH the video below)

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