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Watch a Dog's Gripping Rescue of a Fawn Struggling at Sea

Watch a Dog's Gripping Rescue of a Fawn Struggling at Sea
Bambi may have been in serious trouble if it weren't for Storm the dog coming to its rescue.

The perfect antidote for a hound chasing a frightened fox is this tale of a hound saving a frightened fawn.

Storm the English golden retriever was walking along a Long Island shore with his owner Mark Freeley on Sunday morning when the dog took off into the chilly ocean waters.

Without hesitating, Storm swam out to the fawn, grabbed it by the scruff of the neck, and started towing it back to shore.

Right when they touched down on dry land, the fawn took off running towards the woods before collapsing on the ground. Storm followed the critter, licking and nudging its neck to make sure it was okay.

Freeley then called a local animal rescue crew for help – but as the workers were walking up the beach, the deer became spooked once more and dashed back into the water.

This time, Freeley, his partner Eric Kutzing, and Frank Floridia of Strong Island Rescue went into the water after the fawn, using a rope to tow it back.

The deer, who was sporting an eye injury and several ticks, will be recovering at the animal rescue until it is ready to be released back into the wild.

(WATCH the video below)

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