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Watch Beautiful Snow Tornado Blow Through a Picturesque Austrian Village

Watch Beautiful Snow Tornado Blow Through a Picturesque Austrian Village
Don't worry – the village was reportedly left unharmed by the surreal winter event.

This video of a snow tornado – also known as a "gustnado" – blowing through an Austrian village is going viral after it was published on Tuesday.

Adventurer Peter Maier was driving past the small town of Stall when he saw the winter wind whip up the beautiful cyclone. Luckily, he had his camera on hand to capture footage of the tornado.

Gustnados are strong whirlwinds that occur at the edges of thunderstorms. They may look like tornados, but they are much less strong than the actual thing.

While the surreal winter phenomenon can sometimes cause damage to buildings and structures, the incident earlier this week reportedly left Stall unharmed.

(WATCH the video below)

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