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WWII Kindness Unites Japanese Boy With Grandson of American POW He Saved

WWII Kindness Unites Japanese Boy With Grandson of American POW He Saved
A few months ago, the grandson of one of the survivors of the Bataan Death March traveled from Northern Virginia to Japan with an old photograph in his hand. It was a grainy picture of a young Japanese boy who helped save his grandfather's life.

A few months ago, the grandson of one of the survivors of the Bataan Death March traveled from Northern Virginia to Japan with an old photograph in his hand. It was a grainy picture of a young Japanese boy who helped save his grandfather's life.

For the 27-year-old, and for the Japanese people who greeted him, the photo offered a way to pluck from a dark chapter of history one single act of compassion.

(READ the inspiring story at the Washington Post)

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