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Vatican To Host Stem Cell Research Conference

Vatican To Host Stem Cell Research Conference
Vatican officials, looking for the best way to make a positive impact on society, decided that adult stem cells, which hold the promise of curing the most difficult diseases, are the technology to watch. They decided to invest $1 million to form a joint foundation, and next week, scientists from around the world will meet at the Vatican to discuss the future of stem cell therapies.

Vatican officials, looking for the best way to make a positive impact on society, decided that adult stem cells, which hold the promise of curing the most difficult diseases, are the technology to watch.

"They can change our vision of human beings, and we want to be part of the discussion," says Father Trafny.

In a rare move, the Vatican decided to invest $1 million to form a joint foundation, and next week, scientists from around the world will meet at the Vatican to discuss the future of stem cell therapies.

(READ the full story from All Things Considered on NPR)

Photo via Public Library of Science by Nissim Benvenisty, CC license

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