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Nearly 100 Truck Driver 'Snow Angels' Give Rides to Hospital Workers During Winter Weather

Nearly 100 Truck Driver 'Snow Angels' Give Rides to Hospital Workers During Winter Weather
Dozens of nurses and doctors made it to their local hospitals following the snowfall on Vancouver Island this week thanks to some sweet jeep drivers.

This sweet story of Canadian kindness just goes to show that even Snowmageddon has its heroes.

Since Vancouver Island was covered in a foot of snowfall earlier this week, almost 100 citizens have offered up their jeeps and driving services to help nurses, doctors, and healthcare workers get to the local hospital.

The volunteers are all members of the Vancouver Island Toyota 4×4 public Facebook group for British Columbians who want to share their appreciation of big cars.

Many of the drivers provided free transportation to hospital workers during the harsh winter storms back in 2019-so when the weather forecast called for snow this week, the group reached out to Island Health in anticipation of shuttling the employees to work.

"[Staffers at Victoria General Hospital] have patched me up a hundred times," volunteer driver Shelby Newcombe told CTV News. "They also delivered my little boy here, and I was also born here, so it is nice to give back to them."

Despite how they are providing the transportation to hospital workers for free, Newcombe says that many other community members have been "donating money for gas and banana bread, which was a big hit."

Forecasts are now warning Vancouver Island residents to prepare for another foot of snowfall this week-but Newcombe and the other members of the VI Toyota 4×4 group are already prepared to continue giving rides to hospital workers until the weather abates.

(WATCH the news coverage below) - Photo by CTV News

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