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Police Officer Praised for Spending Hours Looking After Children While Mom Filed Domestic Violence Report

Police Officer Praised for Spending Hours Looking After Children While Mom Filed Domestic Violence Report
When a young mother and her kids entered a Utah police station earlier this month, Officer Lofgran was ready to offer the comfort "she needed that day."

Police officers are always protecting and serving the community in different ways – and this cop is being praised for offering two helping hands to a mother in need.

Officer Robert Lofgran of the West Jordan Police Department in Utah was on hand earlier this month when a young mother and her children entered the station to file a domestic violence report.

As she filed the report, Lofgran offered to look after her kids. He reportedly "spent hours" holding the woman's baby and caring for the other youngsters.

The station clerks were so touched by Lofgran's gesture, they snapped several photos of him holding the infant and posted them to the police department's Facebook page.

"Our records clerks caught Officer Lofgran during a call detail the other day," says the post. "Officer Lofgran helped watch over the children while this mother got the help she needed for that day. He spent hours on this call. Thank you for your service!"

Since it was published to social media, the photos have been shared hundreds of times.

Sgt. Alex Earelli told CTV News that he was especially proud of Lofgran's gesture because his officers are always showing "kindness and support… in all their calls" and "those are the type of values we're trying to represent."

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