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US Panel Approves Pill to Prevent HIV Infection

US Panel Approves Pill to Prevent HIV Infection
We are in an era now, for the the first time, when we can foresee the end of the AIDS epidemic. said an expert speaking about the new pill, Truvada, a drug to prevent HIV infection in healthy people that was just recommended for use by a US advisory panel.

"We are in an era now, for the the first time, when we can foresee the end of the AIDS epidemic." said an expert speaking about the new pill, Truvada, a drug to prevent HIV infection in healthy people that was just recommended for use by a US advisory panel.

Studies from 2010 showed that Truvada reduced the risk of HIV in healthy gay men – and among HIV-negative heterosexual partners of people who are HIV-positive – by between 44% and 73%.

The US Food and Drug Administration is not required to follow the panel's advice, but it usually does.

(READ the story from the BBC)

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