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UN Passes Declaration to Finally Address Refugee Human Rights

UN Passes Declaration to Finally Address Refugee Human Rights
This new declaration released by the United Nations will work towards ensuring education, housing, and protection to refugees and migrants.

On September 19th 2016, a declaration was passed at the United Nations Summit for Refugees and Migrants granting displaced persons their basic human rights.

The personal accounts of those faced with no option but to leave their birth countries lead State members in attendance to a consensus agreement adopting the "New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants".

Member States proudly committed themselves towards reform addressing the present disregard for basic human rights of relocated persons. By accepting this manifesto, states have taken the first steps necessary for integrating a system of humanistic values.

The new policies will encourage treating asylum-seekers as the people they are, not the stereotypes of where they came from.

Emissary's will enact preventative measures protecting women from gender-based violence and discrimination. They will also unify their efforts in disbanding human-trafficking operations and smuggling services.

There is a specific scope involving children; investing in their futures, and creating progress towards integration. Proposed plans guarantee access to education within a few months of arrival. Child refugees' potential for helping a country's economy is furthermore solidified by recognition in the 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development, which predicts a direct relation between migrants and long term economic growth.

Mirroring the actions taken by the private sector, states will also create jobs for adult refugees – something economically beneficial to both parties involved.

And for refugees unable to work, assistance programs will face reform to better accommodate their needs.

"We need to prevent and speedily resolve political crises," said Jan Eliasson, UN Deputy Secretary-General, "We need to respond to humanitarian criseses."

The overall message within the declaration is one of cohesion being the means to help refugees and migrants integrate safely. Its acceptance marks the ending of a problem long left on the back burner.

In conclusion to the closing session for the high-level plenary, Eliasson stated, "Some of the refugees and migrants who joined us today suffered terrible ordeals. They have demonstrated courage, resilience and offered a measure of hope. We must respond by carrying out the New York Declaration in that same spirit."

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