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UN to Launch Space Mission for Countries That Can't Afford Their Own

UN to Launch Space Mission for Countries That Can't Afford Their Own
Some nations simply don't have the funding for their own space programs – so the United Nations is giving them a leg up into orbit.

The final frontier is no cheap endeavor for countries lacking the funding.

But in 2021, those nations will finally be given the chance to conduct their own experiments in space with the Dream Chaser: a reusable aircraft that can take off and land at an ordinary airport.

The 14-day space mission will hang in low Earth orbit with up to 25 different laboratory stations for different countries to experiment in less gravity.

Nations will still have to pay a fee in order to get the project off the ground, however that payment should be manageable enough for participation.

The Sierra Nevada Corporation, creators of the Dream Chaser, announced their partnership with the United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs during the International Astronautical Congress in Guadalajara, Mexico last week.

"At SNC our goal is to pay it forward," said SNC's owner and President, Eren Ozmen. "That means leveraging the creation and success of our Dream Chaser spacecraft to benefit future generations of innovators like us all around the world."

Even though UNOOSA started in 1958, this will be the organization's first ever space mission.

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