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United Arab Emirates Names Ministers of Happiness and Tolerance

United Arab Emirates Names Ministers of Happiness and Tolerance
The United Arab Emirates has created a "Ministry of Happiness" to promote social good and a "Ministry of Tolerance" too –both to be led by female ministers.


Not feeling happy? There's a government agency to fix that — if you're in the United Arab Emirates.

The country ranked 20th on the world happiness scale last year aims to move up the list, and has created a "Ministry of Happiness" to promote social good that will spawn more smiles.

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If you're upset about all the happy people, the new "Ministry of Tolerance" may want to have a word with you.

Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum, the ruler of Dubai and the country's prime minister, announced both new ministries via Twitter.

"It is the beginning of a new journey of achievement and giving to the people, and we ask God to help us serve and take care of them," Sheikh Mohammed tweeted in Arabic.

A new post, Minister of State for Happiness, will align and drive government policy to create social good and satisfaction.#WorldGovSummit

The post of Minister of State for Tolerance has been created to promote tolerance as a fundamental value in UAE society#WorldGovSummit

Ohoud al-Roumi, who currently directs the council of ministers' office, was named Minister of Happiness and Lubna al-Qassimi, formerly Minister of International Cooperation and Development, is the new Minister of Tolerance.

The two are among eight women ministers in UAE's new 29-member cabinet.

The UAE ranked first among Arab states and 20th worldwide on the 2015 World Happiness Report. Switzerland came in first, the U.S. ranked 15th.

(READ more at from AFP) — Photo: Mawaishasan, CC license

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