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Penguin’s Annual Visit to the Man Who Rescued it From Oil Spill Inspires Feature Film

Penguin’s Annual Visit to the Man Who Rescued it From Oil Spill Inspires Feature Film
Before the tale found its way to the silver screen, it first captured hearts in Brazil, where a retired stonemason rescued a penguin.

Before it captivated audiences on the big screen, My Penguin Friend began as a heartwarming true story that first touched the hearts of many in Brazil. The tale centers around a retired stonemason named João Pereira de Souza and an extraordinary bond he formed with a Magellanic penguin.

The story begins on Proveta Beach in Rio de Janeiro, where João discovered a penguin drenched in oil from a recent spill. The little creature was weary and on the brink of exhaustion. With kindness in his heart, João took the penguin home and carefully tended to its needs, scrubbing away the oil and nourishing it with fish. He named the bird ‘Dindim,’ a name born from the tender memories of his son attempting to say the Portuguese word for penguin, ‘pinguim,’ during his childhood.

Once Dindim regained his strength and spirit, João released him on an island near Proveta Beach, expecting their paths to part forever. But to João’s surprise, Dindim found his way back, waiting patiently on João’s lawn, yearning for the comfort of the home that had saved him.

In February 2012, Dindim finally left, but his departure was not the end of their story. Year after year, the loyal penguin would return to João after the long months at sea, choosing the warmth of his friend’s company over the allure of a distant island. Every June, like clockwork, Dindim would arrive, and this remarkable pattern continued for eight years.

Brazilian director David Schurmann brought this touching story to life in My Penguin Friend, adding creative flourishes to the narrative while preserving its essence. He aimed to make a film that would not only entertain but also inspire, subtly weaving in themes of environmental awareness.

As Schurmann shared with the Guardian, he wanted the film to offer "a bit of relief and hope in this harsh world." The oil spill that brought João and Dindim together served as a poignant reminder of the need to protect our oceans, a message close to Schurmann’s heart as the director of the Voice of the Oceans Institute.

My Penguin Friend premiered to a warm reception, earning an 87% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Critics praised its sincerity and emotional depth. Christy Lemire noted, "There's something radical about the old-fashioned approach of *My Penguin Friend*. It's an earnest, crowd-pleasing family film... just a sweet, beautifully made movie that earns the emotion it'll surely draw from its viewers."

In a world often filled with challenges, the story of João and Dindim reminds us of the enduring power of kindness, friendship, and the unexpected connections that can change our lives forever.

WATCH the trailer below:

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A writer is someone for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people.

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