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New Dad is Given Special Surprise After He Drove Burning Car Out of Hospital Garage

New Dad is Given Special Surprise After He Drove Burning Car Out of Hospital Garage
Though it is not advisable to drive a burning car, rescuers were impressed by this man's efforts to save a hospital and the surrounding vehicles.

Travis Trent was just celebrating the birth of his newborn baby when his car caught on fire – but instead of letting the burning vehicle damage the hospital or the surrounding cars, he managed to save the property by parking it at a safe distance.

Trent had been parked in the parking garage of the Good Samaritan Hospital in Tacoma, Washington when his dashboard started to smoke.

Despite how most people would have simply abandoned the car and fled to safety, Trent was concerned about the hospital's structure and the dozens of other vehicles which were parked alongside of him.

"And so I said ‘this ain't happening here' and pulled out and [got] to the top and made sure I got my girlfriend's makeup and car seat out of the car," he told KOMO.

The car was completely destroyed in the blaze that followed – and while the fire department says that people shouldn't drive burning cars, they were impressed with Trent's integrity.

"The fact that he did it and didn't get injured and saved potentially thousands and thousands of dollars in damage to the parking structure, not to mention the cars he was next to, is pretty incredible," Capt. Darrin Shaw of Central Pierce Fire and Rescue told the news outlet.

In addition to rescuers thanking Trent for saving the garage, Trent's brother works as a salesman at a local car dealership. Upon retelling the story of his sibling's bravery to his boss, the dealership manager decided to replace Trent's former car with the very same BMW 528 model for free.

They surprised Trent, his girlfriend, and their newborn baby Kennedy with the car earlier this week – and the family was overwhelmed with gratitude.

"It means a lot that people care," a tear-eyed Trent told reporters.

(WATCH the emotional news coverage below) – Photo by KOMO

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