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This Tortoise Attacks All the Black Shoes That Come Near Him- WATCH for a Laugh

This Tortoise Attacks All the Black Shoes That Come Near Him- WATCH for a Laugh
A tortoise refuses to let people wear black shoes at the house—bullying his owner's grandson with a 'painful' attack if he does.

A tortoise refuses to let people wear black shoes at the house—bullying his owner's baffled grandson into wearing other colors or face a ‘painful' attack.

Tommy Shellby always makes a bee-line for anyone who dares to set foot on the property in black shoes. Whenever he sees one, he charges with a barrage of disapproving head-butts.

Harry Vines says he's forced to either walk around his 82-year-old grandmother Daphne Woodcock's yard bare-footed or in white shoes to avoid the reptile's attacks.

The 24-year-old grandson believes Tommy might be a fashion-conscious reptile.

"Maybe he's trying to tell me I look good in white shoes, so don't be wearing black ones," says Harry, from Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, UK.

Fascinating footage shows Harry wearing one black and one grey shoe, and Tommy walks over to forcefully bash his shell against the black one.

Others show him clambering over a pile of white shoes to reach the single black sneaker, while in another experiment Harry lines up black and non-black shoes for Tommy, which only bashes the black ones.

Harry admits it feels ‘strange' to be conceding that he's stopped buying black shoes to please the assertive pet.

Tommy, who is estimated to be at least 15 years old, has gone viral for his bizarre antics, earning almost one million followers since his first appearance in December.

"If he gets your ankle bone, it does hurt quite a bit. It's more like a shell-bash," he says. "I'll only be buying white shoes now.

Harry began posting videos of Tommy shell-bashing black shoes after friends loved one clip and suggested he share more. His popular videos have now been liked more than 39 million times and his grandmother Daphne ‘can't believe' how viral her pet has become.

WATCH the Amusing Video below…

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