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Top 30 Ways Adults Pay Homage to Lost Loved Ones and Keep Their Memory Alive

Top 30 Ways Adults Pay Homage to Lost Loved Ones and Keep Their Memory Alive
A new poll has unveiled the top 30 modern ways we remember lost loved ones—including retelling their jokes, planting a tree, and tattoos.

A new poll has unveiled the top 30 modern ways we remember lost loved ones.

The list was compiled from a poll of 2,000 adults and shows that wearing a football shirt from their favorite team, running marathons, and retelling their jokes are three of the best ways.

Ticking off items from bucket lists never fulfilled was also among the ways people celebrate the legacy and memories of family and friends who are no longer with them.

Other popular ways to pay tribute to loved ones included getting tattoos, going on a day trip to a meaningful place, cooking a recipe learned from them, or creating a piece of art.

The survey carried out by OnePoll was commissioned ahead of Celebration Day on Sunday May 28 to encourage people to pause and celebrate those no longer with us—and 77 percent agree it's important.

"Talking about death is still seen as a taboo subject, but it is so important that we continue to share stories, rituals, and tales about our loved ones who have died," said Julia Samuel MBE, grief specialist and psychologist.

72% of adults would be interested in planting a tree to remember a loved one, saying that protecting the environment—and finding trees peaceful—makes the choice particularly meaningful.

65 percent believe that, aside from birthdays, there are too few opportunities where everyone feels encouraged to come together and talk about lost loved ones, but 70 percent enjoy hearing stories about them.

Most people (63%) don't have a regular ritual to remember a lost loved one, but one in five would like to talk more about loved ones who have passed.

"Having a special day like Celebration Day where we can say their name, talk about them and laugh helps us as we go forward," said Samuel.

TOP WAYS BRITS CELEBRATE LOVED ONES WHO HAVE PASSED AWAY 1. Look through photographs of them 2. Share a story about them 3. Raise a glass / make a toast 4. Light a candle 5. Donate to a charity in their memory 6. Listen to their favorite song 7. Plant a tree or flowers in their memory 8. Share a post on social media 9. Re-tell their favorite jokes and catchphrases 10. Visit their favorite place 11. Send a message to someone about them 12. Cook a recipe you learned from them 13. Sit on the bench overlooking a view they liked 14. Create a memory book 15. Watch their favorite movie 16. Send a card to someone close to them 17 Cook their favorite meal 18. Wear their favorite color 19. Give a gift to someone in their memory 20. Dog walking in the place they loved 21. Create a virtual tribute 22. Get a tattoo in their memory 23. Create a piece of art 24. Buy an item of clothing because you know that person would have approved 25. Wear a football shirt from their favorite team 26. Continue a collection they had started – e.g. magnets, coins, matches, etc 27. Have their ashes made into jewelry 28. Install a bench with a plaque 29. Have their clothes made into a blanket or teddy 30. Have an announcement made over the PA at their favorite sports club's next game

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