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Toddler Avoids Bedtime by Shimmying His Crib Across Floor in 'Mission Possible' Escape

Toddler Avoids Bedtime by Shimmying His Crib Across Floor in 'Mission Possible' Escape
Eventually, he figures out he can move the crib across the room by kicking off the wall, before shimmying the crib to the bedside

A video captured in Colombia shows a clever baby escaping from his crib-by moving it across his bedroom while still inside.

CCTV shows the toddler trying and failing to climb over the side of the cot. Eventually, he figures out he can move the crib across the room by pushing at the wall with his feet.

He eventually manages to shimmy it enough so that it's near a bed that he can jump onto.

Climbing out of the crib with his teddy he returns to place the crib pack in its proper place against the wall, probably because his parents taught him well enough to pick up after himself, but not well enough for him to no he shouldn't perform escape maneuvers like Ethan Hill from Mission Impossible.

WATCH the escape for yourself… 

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