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These Ordinary Hats Are Actually Bicycle Helmets That Could Save Thousands of Lives

These Ordinary Hats Are Actually Bicycle Helmets That Could Save Thousands of Lives
Two college students are set to save lives around the world by creating beanies and baseball caps that are as durable as bicycle helmets.

Two college students are revolutionizing the way that bicyclists stay safe on the roads.

David Hall and Jordan Klein are the masterminds behind the Park and Diamond helmet – a piece of headwear that is as thin and stylish as a baseball cap or beanie, but as durable as a traditional bike helmet.

The helmet's versatility means that it can easily be folded up and stored in a bag or stuffed into a bike's water bottle holder.

"We thought, ‘What does every bike and bag have? A place to store a water bottle. So, if the helmet fits in that space, the rider can always be covered,'" Klein said. "Carrying a helmet becomes a seamless part of life."

The Virginia Tech students presented the helmet at the TechCrunch Disrupt conference for entrepreneurs in New York last year – and it was a huge commercial success.

The Park and Diamond helmets are set to go on sale this summer. The headwear is available as a baseball cap or beanie.

(WATCH the video below)

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