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Ten Touching, Amusing Memories on Fatherhood From Random New Yorkers

Ten Touching, Amusing Memories on Fatherhood From Random New Yorkers
We asked 10 random New Yorkers what comes to mind when they think of Father's Day. From the sublime to the touching, here's what they report.

Father's Day can sometimes get less attention than other holidays– especially in the gift department– with everyone taking mom out for brunch on Mother's Day or giving flowers on Valentine's Day. But its significance is at the core of our society and is arguably one of the most meaningful days of the year for families to celebrate. It is a time to reflect on not only the father in your life, but the symbolism of what fatherhood should look like and all the men that encompass great fatherhood, whether it be biologically or emotionally.

As a celebration of Father's Day (and not wanting to give short shrift to dads, after our fun Favorite Momisms article in May) we asked some New Yorkers to share some memories that will amuse and inspire you.

"Fatherhood taught me more about life than anything else. I learned to cherish the moments because time moves so quickly.  First, your children are in diapers, then you blink and they are in school. Blink again they are in college, and then before you know it, they are grown with their own careers and families. It was the greatest gift, because I learned to cherish every moment as time marched on." –Tom Pozsgay, Watch Director, WP Diamonds

"There are two very important things we need to discuss. (To his daughters) When you go out on a date, don't forget a quarter for the bus and ten cents for the payphone. You are valuable, beautiful women. Have respect. If a man is fresh with you, walk out, call me, and I will pick you up. Otherwise, get the bus or a taxi to me and I will pay for it. (To his sons) No one should have dirty shoes, since it is a reflection of cleanliness. You can have very little money, but that does not give you the right to have dirty shoes." –Jorge Torres Davila


"My father would end all of his talks with me saying, ‘Be a good boy, watch yourself crossing, and come home right after school.' I knew it was his way of telling me all is right with the world." –Tony Gallo, Retired NYC Firefighter and Former Marine, Senior Director at Sapphire Protection

"A good father never blames his farts on you." –Martin Lopez, English Teacher, Xavier High School

"Dad would always say ‘winners never quit, and quitters never win.'" –John McGee, Art Director

"It's taken me a lifetime to realize this, but my father has always had my back. He's supported me throughout the ups and downs. He is an amazing person…really I wouldn't be who I am today without my dad." –Thomas Duane, Artist, Artwork by Thomas Duane

"My father wisely told me that urinals and sandals…don't mix."  –Joseph Font, Healthcare Analyst

"When I was around 9 or 10, I used to run to the end of our street where my dad would be coming home from work, and he would slow down and let me jump up on the bumper of the hatchback, driving back down the street to our house. I loved that." –Nouelle Dorrow, Graduate Student at Columbia University and Intern at International Rescue Committee

"A long time ago, when my daughter was just a little girl, she loved visiting me at my studio to watch me design and make jewelry. I loved spending time with her while telling her what goes into making jewelry and showing her my sketches for new designs. With endless curiosity and infatuation, she used to listen and watch me while I worked.

One day, with big eyes, she came up to me and handed me a piece of paper with a drawing of a lizard. I asked her what it was and she answered, ‘This is my new jewelry design.  It is going to be a pin. This is for you, Daddy. Because Daddy deserves nice jewelry too.' Brought tears to my eyes knowing my little girl loved me so much and wanted me to have something special. . .  So I did! I produced the lizard pin she drew for me and to this day I still wear it as a tie pin. Such a special piece forever making me proud to be a Daddy who is blessed to have a wonderful daughter. ‘Because Daddy deserves nice jewelry too'" – Sinork Agdere, Designer, Lord Jewelry

Here's Wishing Everyone a Happy Father's Day (Share below)…

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