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Teen Buys School Bus So He Can Fill It With Supplies and Drive It Down to Mexican Village as a Donation

Teen Buys School Bus So He Can Fill It With Supplies and Drive It Down to Mexican Village as a Donation
Utah teen Dylan Ence has spent four years collecting donations and buying a school bus for a poor village in Mexico that he visited as a freshman.

This determined high school student bought an old school bus, so he could use it to help even more children get a better education.

Back when Dylan Ence was just a freshman student at Dixie High School, he and his family visited the Mexican village of Patamban Michoacan so they provide the local schools with supplies and sports equipment.

Though Dylan is now a senior at the school in St. George, Utah, he's never forgotten about the poverty he witnessed during that fateful trip four years ago—and he is now planning a return trip to the village to do more.

During his stay at the village, the compassionate teen learned that many of the local children would sleep at their local school so they didn't have to make the miles-long trek to and from classes every day.

Dylan decided to buy a school bus at a local Minnesota auction with the intention of driving it all the way down to the village and donating it to the school.

Not only that, he has spent the last four years collecting donated backpacks, socks, gas money, and school supplies for the Mexican village.

He hopes to fill the bus with as many donations as possible before he and his family journey south from Utah on December 20 to the village 1,700 miles away.

Dylan set up a donation page with a goal of raising $5,000, and has raised $3,705, so far. To help him reach his goal, go to supportful.com/dylansschoolbus

He is currently in the process of getting insurance and travel papers from the Mexican government to get his bus and supplies safely across the border.

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