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Stories That Matter

The Tale of the Feather Pillow

The Tale of the Feather Pillow
A lesson on the dangers of gossip.

In a small village, there lived a young woman named Clara who loved to gossip. Every day, she would gather with her friends and spread rumors about her neighbors, never considering the harm her words might cause.

One day, Clara gossiped about the local baker, claiming he used spoiled ingredients in his bread. The rumor quickly spread, and soon, the baker's business suffered greatly. Feeling guilty, Clara went to the village elder for advice.

The wise elder handed Clara a feather pillow and told her to go to the top of the hill, cut open the pillow, and release the feathers into the wind. Clara did as she was told, watching as the feathers scattered in all directions.

When Clara returned, the elder said, "Now, go and collect all the feathers."

Clara protested, "That's impossible! The feathers are scattered everywhere!"

The elder nodded and replied, "Just like your words. Once spoken, they cannot be taken back. They spread far and wide, causing harm and mistrust. Think carefully before you speak, for words have power."

From that day on, Clara was mindful of her words, choosing to speak kindly and refrain from gossip. The village slowly restored its trust in the baker, and Clara became known for her wisdom and kindness.

Moral Lesson:

Gossip, once spread, cannot be undone. Be mindful of your words, for they have the power to hurt or heal.

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