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Taiwan's First Woman President Becomes Most Powerful Woman in Chinese Speaking World

Taiwan's First Woman President Becomes Most Powerful Woman in Chinese Speaking World
Taiwan's new president, an attorney with two cats who enjoys a nightly glass of wine, joins a small group of about two-dozen world leaders who are women.

Without any family ties to politics (in fact, her father repaired cars for a living), Taiwan's first woman president was elected in a landslide to improve the nation's economy.

Tsai Ing-wen, a lawyer who had never been elected to any public office, won the presidency last week taking 56% of the popular vote. She joins a very small club of around two dozen world leaders who are women.


She was recognized for cleaning up corruption in the Democratic Progressive Party after becoming its chairperson in 2008, and, in a highly traditional country, has spoken out for marriage equality and LGBT rights.

The cat-loving, wine-drinking, law professor had run for mayor of New Taipei in 2010, but lost. Instead, she served as chairperson of the Fair Trade Commission and a consultant to Tiawan's Mainland Affairs Council and National Security Council.

Posted by 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen on Friday, November 27, 2015

Those jobs have given her a reputation as a tough and skilled negotiator, but she likes to unwind at the end of the day with her two cats, Tsai Hsiang Hsiang and Ah Tsai, reading a book and enjoying a glass of wine.

(READ more at The Telegraph) - Photo: VOA

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