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Admirable Bosses Lead to More Productive Employees, Says Survey

Admirable Bosses Lead to More Productive Employees, Says Survey
A new poll, conducted by SWNS on behalf of Motivosity, shows that good bosses make for more productive employees.

American office workers would rather have more feedback from their managers than more money, a new poll has revealed.

The survey of 2,000 Americans examined the vital role manager-worker relationships play in the workplace.

Over a third of respondents are office workers (many of whom are now working from home due to the pandemic). They listed more feedback on their role as the number one thing (53%) they want to see more of from their boss, beating out extra compensation (48%), and more honest communication (48%).

The survey, conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Motivosity, took a dive into our relationship with our bosses.

The results found that, of respondents who have been employed (78%), seven in ten have admired one of their managers as a role model.

When it came to the top qualities respondents appreciated in a boss, positive attitude topped the list with 46%.

Communication skills (46%) and organizational skills (43%) also made it into the top three.

Logan Mallory, Vice President of Marketing at Motivosity said, "Managers are key to great company cultures. They impact how people feel about showing up to work every day. Essentially 46% of your team is asking for leaders who bring a positive attitude to work and communicate consistently. That requires an intentional approach and the right tools, but it doesn't take massive budgets or years of training."

A positive influence like an admirable boss can have a long-term influence, as 71% of respondents said their role models impact their behavior on a daily basis.

The average person has four role models in their lifetime, and range from family members like mothers (59%), fathers (61%), and grandparents (44%) to people respondents have never met.

Beyond personal relationships 45% of respondents said they admire a historical figure and two in five (42%) look up to a writer.

Forty percent have a politician as a motivator while over a third (35%) admire an activist and 38% consider a director or actor worthy of praise.

"Team members give their best effort when they're working for someone they respect and trust," said Logan Mallory of Motivosity. "The best managers act more like coaches: Set the right priorities, check-in with consistent 1 on 1s and take a consultative approach rather than being directive. If managers do that and make sure their team's day-to-day work is noticed and appreciated, it makes all the difference."



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