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Sudden Urge for a Slurpee Puts Woman in Place to Save Man's Life

Sudden Urge for a Slurpee Puts Woman in Place to Save Man's Life
When a New York man found himself in trouble last week, this woman was in the right place at the right time to help - and she says it's because of a sudden food craving.

When a New York driver suffered a sudden heart attack, Christiana Corrado was there to save him - and she says that she was in the right place at the right time because of a sudden craving for a sweet treat.

Corrado had not enjoyed a cherry slurpee from 7-Eleven since she was pregnant three years ago, but for one reason or another, she was hit with a sudden urge for the icy snack on Thursday.

The Westchester, New York woman was on her way to the convenience store to pick up a slurpee when she saw an SUV careen off the road and roll into the brick wall of a CVS.

Corrado, who is an EMS instructor and paramedic, immediately made a U-turn so she could check on the injured driver. By the time she arrived at his side, the prognosis was not good.

"When I checked for a pulse, I couldn't feel any. And he was cyanotic - really, really blue," Corrado told WLNY.

She gave the man chest compressions until he eventually regained consciousness.

If she had not been driving past the man when he had the heart attack, there may not have been anyone to save him during his time of need - which is why Corrado credits the fateful rescue to her sudden and unexplained craving for a slurpee.

"It's pretty strange to me that all of a sudden on this day at that moment I would decide to go to that particular 7-Eleven to obtain one," said Corrado. "Look at that. Never know what God has in plan for you."

(WATCH the video below, or our international viewers can watch the interview at the CBS News website) - Photo by WLNY

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