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Study Finds Looking at Cute Images Improves Concentration

Study Finds Looking at Cute Images Improves Concentration
Businesses might want to allow employees a five-minute tour of kitten videos on YouTube now that a new study released by Japanese scientists has reported added benefits of looking at cute images. Beyond just feeling warm and fuzzy, the mere sight of adorable puppies and kittens can improve our concentration, according to the research from Hiroshima University.

Businesses might want to allow employees a five-minute tour of kitten videos on YouTube now that a new study released by Japanese scientists has reported added benefits of looking at cute images.

Beyond just feeling warm and fuzzy, the mere sight of adorable puppies and kittens can improve our concentration, according to a new study, "The Power of Kawaii: Viewing Cute Images Promotes a Careful Behavior and Narrows Attentional Focus."

The research was was conducted by scientists from Hiroshima University and published Thursday in PLoS One.

(READ the story in the Wall Street Journal)

Photo from story, Macaque Shoots Perfect Self-Portraits (courtesy of David Slater)

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