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Stuck to a Tree, Wild Sheep's Majestic Horns Freed By Jogger (WATCH)

Stuck to a Tree, Wild Sheep's Majestic Horns Freed By Jogger (WATCH)
While out for a run, a Polish man who encountered a mouflon sheep with horns entangled in a small tree, called up courage to get close enough to help.

While out for a run, a Polish man encountered a mouflon sheep with his horns entangled in a small tree.

Krystof Wlodarczyk called up some courage to geWhile out for a run, a Polish man who encountered a mouflon sheep with horns entangled in a small tree, called up courage to get close enough to helpt close enough to the frantic wild animal to help set it free.

The man's reaction to his success needs no translation: "YES!"

Recorded in a forest near Konin in March, 2015, the video was making a resurgence on social media.

(WATCH the video below)

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