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Stray Cat Finds a New Life in the Public Library- From Hitting the Streets to Hitting the Books

Stray Cat Finds a New Life in the Public Library- From Hitting the Streets to Hitting the Books
Benny the cat is a three-month old attendent at Swanton Public Library. Encouraging children to read by visiting them during story time

In an Ohio public library, one of the most valuable employees can't even reach the top shelf of books.

He provides another service, however, one that's better suited to paws than hands.

Benny the cat is a three-month old attendent at Swanton Public Library in Ohio. Encouraging children to read by visiting them during story time, or zooming around the place thanks to the conspicuous absense of books on the bottom shelves, he's becoming a little star among the library staff.

The tuxedo cat was rescued by the Wood County Humane Society after being thrown out of a truck window. He was adopted by Anna Burwell, the adult services coordinator at the library, who decided to bring the little fellow to work one day.

Anna noticed how the kids became much more enaged with the books after the simple addition of an adorable kitten, who would chase them, and subject himself to being chased, bringing smiles out of everyone in the place.

Benny begins each day by running around the aisles via passageways left for him on the lowest shelves, but even though he's not technically on the payroll, he's an irreplaceable member of the team.

Benny particularly enjoys coming upon the children during storytime, when he sees what they are doing, and then "passes out" creating the perfect idol of peace and quiet.

"We've had a couple of people come up to the desk and ask for him," Burwell told local news WTOL 11. "Benny is a good listener. He makes the children feel comfortable."

Indeed, the library staff are considering training him as a therapy cat.

WATCH Benny go in the video below… 

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A writer is someone for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people.

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