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Karma Rewards Couple in Trouble Who Helped Others in Need

Karma Rewards Couple in Trouble Who Helped Others in Need
This Portuguese couple became recognized for passing out 1,000 liters of water on a hot day – so now strangers are paying them back for the kindness.

Portuguese couple Lucinda Borges and Paulo Pereira gained region-wide popularity because of their generosity in the city of Avanca. The duo were once hailed for passing out over 1,000 liters of water to drivers stuck in traffic on a dangerously hot day in August.

But as of late, the couple has fallen on hard times. Last month, Lucinda was diagnosed with a heart problem, making the couple's finances severely compromised. Their luck began to change, however when Portuguese newspaper JN broadcasted their situation. People started contacting Lucinda and Paulo wanting to donate food, money, medical appointments – even job offers.

"People are offering us all sorts of things and words of comfort, it's been amazing! I think I got healthier with so many manifestations of love," Lucinda, who is still looking for a more definitive diagnostic on her heart issue, told JN.

Many donors even traveled to their region so they could personally handle the donations. Hundreds also called the family with other promises of compassion and kindness.

"It's good to look at the kitchen and see so much food and be able to provide for our daughter" says Lucinda, after admitting that she let her daughter spend Christmas at a friend's house because there wasn't enough food in the house.

"A few fellow Portuguese citizens from Camboja called to offer jobs for both of us. We're studying the possibilities, but words can't express how thankful we are," says Paulo. But for now he admits the priority is his wife's health.

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