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Photo Catches the Moment a Squirrel Strikes 'Mr Universe' Pose on Their Windowsill

Photo Catches the Moment a Squirrel Strikes 'Mr Universe' Pose on Their Windowsill
A squirrel in Glasgow, UK has been caught 'posing' just like a bodybuilder—check out the fun, viral photographs by David Roberts.

This funny picture shows a squirrel pulling a ‘Mr Universe' pose on a windowsill.

65-year-old David Roberts snapped the tough-looking rodent in his garden in Glasgow.

Retired David said of his lucky moment with the critter, "It was on the window ledge running about and looking in." Basically, it was just acting like any other normal squirrel that makes its home in the gardens and parks around the Scottish city.

Then David looked again. He noticed the squirrel had stopped moving for a moment. In fact, it appeared to be cracking a pose.

Luckily, David had his camera ready to go—and got the perfect shot.

"I was pretty chuffed with it," David say. "I am always taking photos of birds at the feeders and try to get good shots with them in flight."


We're just happy serendipity lined up to let us see these photos for ourselves.

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