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'My son is not breathing': Watch Heroic Cop Save Toddler's Life

'My son is not breathing': Watch Heroic Cop Save Toddler's Life
This little boy might not have made it if there wasn't a heroic police officer nearby who was ready to breath life back into his lungs.

When a 911 dispatcher said that a father called the police over his toddler's lack of breathing, Officer Chase Miller wasn't about to wait for paramedics to arrive and let a boy's life hang in the balance.

The officer gently takes the boy out of her hands, lays him on the ground, and starts performing CPR. Though the mom couldn't bear to watch, the father staid nearby to take over when Miller had to retrieve a CPR mask from his car.

After three suspenseful minutes, the boy started breathing again.

He was later taken to a hospital where he was treated for high fever and seizures which had triggered the episode.

On Tuesday, Miller got to meet the boy he saved and was presented a special award by Granbury Mayor Nin Hulett.

(WATCH the video below)


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