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Soles for Souls in Haiti

Soles for Souls in Haiti
For the past 2 weeks, 7-year-old kids in an Alabama elementary school have has been obsessed with shoes, frantically collecting as many as they can for donation to the victims of Haiti's earthquake.

For the past 2 weeks, 7-year-old kids in an Alabama elementary school have has been obsessed with shoes, frantically collecting as many as they can for donation to the victims of Haiti's earthquake.

From sneakers to sandals, the kids know it's not the sole that matters, but the difference made in the souls wearing them.

A warehouse in nearby Roanoke, Alabama is the base of operation for Soles 4 Souls, a charity that donates a pair of shoes every nine seconds to needy people around the world — a total of more than 7 million shoes to date.

Watch the CBS video at CBSNews.com…

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