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Slumdog Millionaire Child Actor Gets New $50,000 Apartment In Mumbai From Filmmakers

Slumdog Millionaire Child Actor Gets New $50,000 Apartment In Mumbai From Filmmakers
The makers of the hit movie "Slumdog Millionaire" have bought a new home for one of the two child stars discovered in the slums of Mumbai.

The makers of the hit movie "Slumdog Millionaire" have bought a new home for one of the two child stars discovered in the slums of Mumbai. 

The purchase of a 250-square-foot, one-bedroom apartment for the family of Azharuddin Mohammed Ismail, 10, was completed Monday, said Nirja Mattoo, who helps oversee a trust set up by the filmmakers to help Azharuddin and his 9-year-old co-star Rubina Ali. 

(Source: Access Hollywood)

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