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Stories That Matter

Single Mom Works Overtime Just So She Can Restore $500 to Homeless Man Who Was Robbed

Single Mom Works Overtime Just So She Can Restore $500 to Homeless Man Who Was Robbed
When Kari saw footage of Charles Reynolds chasing down the thief who stole his $500 paycheck, she knew she needed to help him out.

Sometimes, we see something that makes us want to change the world.

That's exactly what happened to Kari Diaz when she saw a viral video of 60-year-old Charles Reynolds chasing a man out of a local Walmart.

The man had stolen $500 from Charles, who had just cashed his paycheck.

Charles wasn't able to catch the thief in the Walmart parking lot, but the money that had been stolen from him was crucial – the Largo, Florida resident says he is "pretty much homeless, and I'm doing the best I can to get up and get out of there. And, yeah, that money meant a lot."

When Kari saw the video, she knew just how Charles felt. Just a few years previously, she had been living in low-income housing and raising her kids as a single mom. She says she knows "what it is to be poor."

Kari wanted to help Charles out, but she didn't just have $500 to give away to him. So, she spent her weekend clocking in 10-hour work days and setting aside the money for Charles.

Kari and Charles met up at the Largo Police Department so she could give him the money. Even though Walmart had already replaced the stolen money, Kari still wanted to pay it forward. She says someone had once helped her out when she was struggling, and she wanted to keep the chain going.

Hopefully with Kari's help, Charles will be soon be "up and out of there" so he can continue to pay it forward as well.

CLICK the link below to watch the heartwarming video of Kari and Charles – and be sure to SHARE the story with your friends…

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