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Learning Disabilities Don't Mean You Can't Perform Intense Shakespeare Speeches (WATCH)

Learning Disabilities Don't Mean You Can't Perform Intense Shakespeare Speeches (WATCH)
The Globe Theater is being blessed by outstanding performances from their actors - actors that happen to be disabled.


All of the actors in the Blue Apple Theatre company live with learning disabilities, but that hasn't stopped them from tackling Shakespeare-and seriously challenging the world's perception of what it means 'to be, or not to be' a person with autism or Down syndrome.

Through their live performances in Hampshire, England over the last ten years, the cast of Blue Apple Theatre has developed a deep sense of normalcy and accomplishment. More than thirty able- and learning-disabled adults on the theater's staff have helped each other to build confidence, while also fine tuning skills through various workshops and team building activities.

"Unless you're given a fair chance, then they will not know, what you-you, the individual-can do."

The unique theater in Winchester also has extensive film and dance programs available to its members- thus providing a full range of arts training for the students.

As a welcoming haven for the expression and release of struggles for folks with disability, Blue Apple was again welcomed to the renown Globe theatre in London to put on an annual performance of Shakespeare in its original setting.

Since its birth in 2005, Blue Apple has improved not only the artistic skills of the actors, but also changed the minds and hearts of people all over the globe with their enthusiasm. These highly motivated actors and their crew have ‘much ado about' revolutionizing how disabilities are accepted in the performing world.

To keep in touch with their ever growing progress, visit their website, their website, here. 

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