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When Senior Loses Memory at Dinner, Cops Sit Down to be Her Dates

When Senior Loses Memory at Dinner, Cops Sit Down to be Her Dates
This senior couldn't remember how to get home – so the local boys in blue stepped up as her escorts.

This sweet old senior was eating dinner when she suddenly forgot how she could get home – luckily, these boys in blue were there to accompany her.

Alison Zimmer snapped a photo of the exchange as she entered the Boudins restaurant in Huntington Beach, California on Saturday night.

Though they were only dispatched for a simple escort mission, the cops went above and beyond the call of duty to make sure that the senior had a pleasant experience.

"These men sat with her while she finished her sandwich, got her a to-go container and boxed her leftovers, then drove her home," wrote officials from the Huntington Beach Police Department page. "They were so kind, patient, and professional with this woman. They even let her finish her glass of wine!"

"She was definitely flirting and probably loved riding in the front seat of the cop car… that's right, one of the officers sat in the back so she could have the front seat. She's going to have a great story to share with her girlfriends!"

Since Alison's photo of the event has become widely-shared on Facebook, praise has poured in for the officer's kindness and patience.

"It's an honor to watch you guys serve and protect our community," wrote Alison, "especially the gems of the community, like this dapper lady."

Click To Share This Sweet Story With Your Friends (Photo by Alison Zimmer)

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