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Stories That Matter

Secret Millionaire Leaves $4.5 Million to Her Hometown

Secret Millionaire Leaves $4.5 Million to Her Hometown
Feisty and frugal, 98-year-old Verna Oller never bought new clothes or went to the hairdresser, but, she the savviest investor in town. By the time of her death, the Long Beach, Washington resident had amassed a fortune of $4.5 million and she directed that every penny be spent on her hometown, starting with the construction of a swimming pool.

Feisty and frugal, 98-year-old Verna Oller never bought new clothes or went to the hairdresser. But, she was a savvy investor, reading the Wall Street Journal and Barrons at the library.

By the time of her death, the Long Beach, Washington resident had amassed a  fortune of $4.5 million and she directed her close friend to spend every cent of it on her home town.

(WATCH the video below, or READ the story at ABC News)


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