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Let's Set The Record Straight on Childhood ADHD: 5 Things No One Else is Telling You

Let's Set The Record Straight on Childhood ADHD: 5 Things No One Else is Telling You
ADHD is labeled as a disorder - when in fact many of the symptoms of ADHD can be seen as strengths in adults and children. It's time we set the record straight and get really clear about one thing: Children with ADHD (as well as adults) are just as capable of being successful as the next person.

ADHD has become such a popular diagnosis these days. It is labeled as a disorder, when in fact many of the symptoms of ADHD can be seen as strengths in adults and children. Just what is ADHD and what does it really mean?

It's time we set the record straight and get really clear about one thing: Children with ADHD (as well as adults) are just as capable of being successful as the next person.

Children with ADHD are not bad kids. They are simply misunderstood, and our system often does not know how to deal with or manage difference. What a child with ADHD really needs is support, advocacy, encouragement, and the opportunity to develop strengths and strategies to be successful. What would it be like if we saw ADHD as a strength instead of the disorder and deficit that we call it today?

Dr. Rory Stern of www.thetruthbehindadhd.com is a former therapist and ADHD coach, Dr. Stern has recenlty been elected to the National Board of Directors of the Attention Deficit Disorder Association http://www.add.org. He is a passionate advocate with the mission of making sure that the right information is delivered to the parents and families who need it the most.

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