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Boy Thought His Pandemic Birthday Would Be No Fun-Then a Magician Got Involved (Watch his Eyes)

Boy Thought His Pandemic Birthday Would Be No Fun-Then a Magician Got Involved (Watch his Eyes)
Watch the fun moment when a birthday boy named Zander gets a big surprise from American musician Rick Lax.

The illusionist Rick Lax was just five years old when he began practicing and performing tricks. His parents bought him a Toys-R-Us magic set, and he loved it.

Through his childhood, he never stopped practicing, and his illusions grew ever more sophisticated and successful.

When it became time to apply to colleges, though, there was no real Hogwart's or wizarding school to apply to, so Rick studied law. Torts and contracts was never his real passion. But by the age 27, he was back at his first love. Magic.

Lax has since gone on to become an illusion consultant for David Copperfield. He's helped create and produce magic tv shows. 

Now? He's helping others feel up when the pandemic is getting them down.

On recently hearing about an upset boy who couldn't celebrate his birthday with friends, Lax knew just how to cheer him up.

The boy's reaction to his ‘magic' day in the video is amazing. Just watch his face in the video when the last item comes out the bag.

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