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After 12 Hours, Search and Rescue Crew Finally Finds Trapped Toddler by Following His Giggles

After 12 Hours, Search and Rescue Crew Finally Finds Trapped Toddler by Following His Giggles
This 2-year-old boy was finally found in a neck-deep hole after rescuers heard him giggling at the sight of their horses.

When this little Canadian boy became trapped in a deep hole, he was finally rescued after search crews heard the sound of his giggles.

The 2-year-old youngster wasn't giggling over his predicament, however—he was giggling with delight at the sight of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police riding horses to his rescue.

Courtlund Barrington-Moss first went missing during a family reunion in Aneroid, Alberta on a Monday evening last week. When his mother noticed that he had disappeared, over 400 people were recruited for the search and rescue mission, from volunteers and family members to emergency crews and a search plane.

The crew searched throughout the night, calling Courtlund's name—but to no avail.

Finally after 12 hours of searching the area, a pair of volunteers heard a giggle coming from the woods.

Despite how the boy had become trapped in a neck-deep hole, he was still able to see the rescuers and laugh at the sight of their horses.

Shelby Layman, the deputy fire chief of a neighboring town, told the Star Phoenix: "He saw them before they saw him, actually. He saw their horses and he started giggling and wanted to pet the horses.

"The entire area just erupted with joy. It was pretty emotional. Everybody was yelling and people were running around," she added.

Upon being taken to the hospital, the boy was found to be sunburnt and scratched, but still in generally good health.

"He was honestly just exhausted and not really sure what had happened," his mother told NBC News.

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