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Refugees Give Back To Host Country and Canadians Displaced by Wildfire

Refugees Give Back To Host Country and Canadians Displaced by Wildfire
Syrians who were so compassionately welcomed into Canada are now returning the favor for the Fort McMurray families fleeing wildfire.

The same Syrian refugees who have been welcomed into Canada after fleeing their destroyed homeland are now giving back to Canadians whose own homes were recently destroyed.

All 88,000 citizens of Fort McMurray, Alberta have been evacuated under a state of emergency due to a raging wildfire consuming the landscape. The escaping families have fled north, essentially refugees now, seeking safety in cities like Calgary.

That's where the Syrian Refugee Support Group is lending a helping hand.

The 1,400 Syrian refugees who've been settled in Calgary and around Alberta since November are contributing more than just money. Hampers of toys, clothes, food, provisions, and furniture that they received only months ago when arriving in North America are being donated back to the Canadians now in need.

"All the Syrians are saying, ‘I'm ready to give, I'm ready to give,'" said Saima Jamal, a co-founder of the Syrian Refugee Support Group.

"Canadians have provided a lot to us," said one Middle Eastern refugee. "Now it is our turn."

Find out how you can help the displaced Canadians, and learn more about Syrian support, at the Calgary Herald.

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