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After Friend Flaked on Red Sox Game, Guys Give the Ticket to Homeless Man Who Could Use the Smile

After Friend Flaked on Red Sox Game, Guys Give the Ticket to Homeless Man Who Could Use the Smile
Rather than selling their fourth Red Sox ticket, these young men decided to give it to a homeless man who was happy for a chance to relax and enjoy a game.

When three young men found themselves with an extra ticket to a Red Sox baseball game, they decided to give their ticket to a homeless man who was happy to be given the chance to relax.

Sean Wetzonis, Pedro Lugo, Francisco Rios, and another one of their friends had been preparing to see the Sox play against the Toronto Blue Jays at Fenway Park in Boston last week when a family emergency forced their fourth companion to cancel his plans for the game.

As the three young men were on their way to the park, they were trying to decide who they could invite to the game—and that's when Lugo got an idea.

"I wanted to take someone who would appreciate the ticket and have the time of their lives," Lugo told CNN.

Lugo eventually found the perfect recipient for the spare ticket after they passed a homeless man named John. In addition to offering the man some money, Lugo asked if he wanted the spare Red Sox ticket—to which John immediately said "Hell yeah, let's go."

The young men happily escorted John to his seat and bought him a beer to enjoy during the game. As they all sang songs and cheered from the stands, Lugo says that John seemed to greatly enjoy the atmosphere of the stadium.

Before John left the stands, he shook the hands of his three new friends and took a picture with them in front of their seats.

"He thanked us for everything and he expressed his gratitude," Lugo told CNN. "Maybe [the game] helped alleviate the stressors that come with being homeless for the few hours at the game."

Since posting the photos to Twitter, Lugo hopes that the pictures will help to show other people just how far a small good deed can go.

So we had an extra ticket to the @redsox game and didn't want to waste it, so luckily we ran into our man John who unfortunately is homeless, but we got the opportunity to take him out to his first game, bless up Unc pic.twitter.com/T1TCa6fVcF

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