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Rare Sumatran Rhino From US Zoo Moves to Asia to Save His Species

Rare Sumatran Rhino From US Zoo Moves to Asia to Save His Species
The only Sumatran Rhino outside Southeast Asia is on his way to Indonesia to find a mate and add to the population of just 100 of the rare animals.

A rhino from the Cincinnati Zoo is officially on a mission to Southeast Asia to save his entire species.

Harapan, an 1,800 pound Sumatran Rhino, will leave sometime this fall for a sanctuary in Indonesia dedicated to saving the Sumatrans, a species declared extinct in Malaysia just this month. Currently, only 100 Sumatran Rhinos remain in the world.

Harapan, an 1,800 pound Sumatran Rhino, will leave sometime this fall for a sanctuary in Indonesia dedicated to saving the Sumatrans, a species declared extinct in Malaysia just this month. Currently, only 100 Sumatran Rhinos remain in the world.

"We believe there is still time to save them and we are by no means giving up that fight now," Dr. Terri Roth, Director of the Zoo's Center for Conservation & Research of Endangered Wildlife (CREW) said at a press conference.

The Cincinnati Zoo has had a Sumatran Rhino breeding program for 25 years, the only place in the world that has successfully bred the endangered species since 1889.

He'll join his brother, Andalas, at the Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary where there are three possible mates waiting for him.

Harapan was the third rhino born at the zoo and with his departure the breeding program will come to an end in Cincinnati, but zookeepers say their research and the rhino will aid the breeding effort in Indonesia.

(READ more in the Washington Post)  Photos: (top) Tobyotter, CC; (right) Cincinnati Zoo

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