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How to Raise Your Kids to Have Self-Esteem - 8 Tips and Tricks

How to Raise Your Kids to Have Self-Esteem - 8 Tips and Tricks
Parents need to instill a positive sense of self-esteem in their children. Here are eight tips and tricks to do just that.

It is vitally important that parents instill a positive sense of self in their children. If the youngsters develop appropriate self-esteem, they will have the capacity to grow into well-adjusted adults.

These positive feelings of self-confidence and self-acceptance enable them to undertake new challenges-and fail and try again. Any successes give them pride, and encourages them to do their best so they can feel good all over again.

Every child is wonderful and special. However, self-esteem does not develop by constantly telling them this fact. Also, persistently rewarding them does not build their self-esteem. They develop self-esteem from their own failures and successes. This is why smart parenting can make them develop the confidence to tackle the challenges of everyday life.

8 Tips to Reach Your Goal:

Give your kids choices: It is important that you allow your children to make their own choices. However, these choices must be within a set of options that you set yourself. For instance, giving them the choice of which food to eat for breakfast.This empowers your kids, as they are capable of making simple choices at a young age. As they grow up, they will be capable of making more difficult choices.

Give them responsibilities: Provide your children with responsibilities around the home at a young age. with chores like taking care of the family pet, clearing the dinner table, or picking up their toys. Their problem solving skills will improve and they'll feel more competent. These chores should not be too much for their age, that they feel overworked.

Spend personal time with your kids: You should spend time with your child by taking walks, teaching them to ride a bike, or enjoying food together. The bond between you will cement your parent-child relationship and give them confidence that you will back them up if they fail.

Show them no one is perfect: When your child makes a mistake or disappoints you, your reaction is critical to how they will feel about themselves in the future. Over-reaction does not inspire self-confidence. Explain to them that no one expects them to be perfect, and give examples of when you were not.

Allow them to learn from their mistakes: Do not do things they can do themselves, or answer questions that they can figure out for themselves. Give your children the space to try it for themselves. This helps them develop new skills and avoid over-dependence on you. You will, however, need to be patient as they try to do it on their own. They will develop more confidence and competence as they successfully handle things in front of them.

Only offer sincere praise: Do not praise your child too much. Believe it or not, it is easy for kids to discern when you are only giving them lip service, when it comes to compliments. Praise them when it is necessary and be specific with your compliments. Instead of, "You're so smart," you can say, "I like the way you figured that out all by yourself." Instead of looking at scribbled artwork and saying,  "That's so beautiful," describe what you like or want them to develop. Say, "I love your choice of colors and how you used all the space on the paper."

Show your children respect: Calling your children names and using sarcasm to drive a point home is a major contributor in making children less confident. Do not demean the feelings of your child. Take your time before making a response and choose your words wisely when speaking to them. Clearly show your child their mistake and correct them without belittling them.

Show them their uniqueness: It is important that you show your children their individuality. Do not try to make a comparison between them and other people. Appreciate their special talents and personality.

Try to nurture their self-confidence naturally, but remember that developing a child's confidence is a process that takes time. Be respectful, show your kids acceptance, encourage communication, and, above all, be their role model of a confident person.

Kevin Doyle is co-founder of Toys Advisors blog. He lives with his lovely wife Anna, son Tom, and daughter Jane. He spends most of his time being with his family, and learning and sharing about parenting, and DIY projects. (Above photo submitted by Marzena Syncerz; homepage photo -Lighttruth, CC)

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