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Pup Rescued From Meat Festival Now Frolicks on a Beautiful Vineyard in California

Pup Rescued From Meat Festival Now Frolicks on a Beautiful Vineyard in California
Lady the greyhound has become the resident puppy mamma of hundreds of dogs rescued from Chinese dog meat festivals.

As the notorious Yulin Dog Meat Festival approaches, there will be more and more focus on the dogs of China.

Here in the USA and Canada, people unequivocally love our dogs and cats, whereas in China some people eat dogs all year around. Contrary to popular belief, Yulin is a festival that was started in 2009, and has never been part of Chinese culture. What is also shocking is that majority of dogs from the meat trade are stolen with collars and leashes on them.

Jeffrey has posted a video/story of Lady, a greyhound that was gasping for air, severely dehydrated, showed physical signs of hurt, and despondent when first rescued. Because of Jeffrey, Deborah and Lia's round the clock care and loving devotion to the dogs, Lady survived and and now lives in a beautiful vineyard in California, where she was adopted by Deborah herself.

Lady proved to be a "mom" figure for all the dogs and boosted the morale for the other depressed dogs and the exhausted caretakers who tirelessly and selflessly fulfilled their mission – "No Dogs Left Behind".

Jeffrey has always maintained that: "Money can buy a dog, time can heal a dog, but only love can rescue a dog."

(WATCH the video below)


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