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Professor's Response to Student's Absence: Bring the Baby

Professor's Response to Student's Absence: Bring the Baby
This compassionate educator didn't mind that a student had to skip class to care for her child – but, instead, she offered a sweet solution for the future.

A post shared by Morgan King (@morgantking) on

A post shared by Morgan King (@morgantking) on May 23, 2017 at 5:10pm PDT


When this young mother was absent from a college class earlier this month, her professor offered the most heartwarming response to the student's excuse.

Normally, when 21-year-old Morgan King attends class at the University of Tennessee's Department of Child and Family Studies, she asks her grandparents to look after her 3-month-old daughter Korbyn. On this particular weekday, however, the caregivers had a prior engagement and Morgan couldn't find a sitter.

While some educators may have taken a more curt approach to the situation, Hunter became accommodating.

A post shared by Morgan King (@morgantking) on May 23, 2017 at 5:10pm PDT


When this young mother was absent from a college class earlier this month, her professor offered the most heartwarming response to the student's excuse.

Normally, when 21-year-old Morgan King attends class at the University of Tennessee's Department of Child and Family Studies, she asks her grandparents to look after her 3-month-old daughter Korbyn. On this particular weekday, however, the caregivers had a prior engagement and Morgan couldn't find a sitter.

While some educators may have taken a more curt approach to the situation, Hunter became accommodating.

"I'm so sorry that childcare issues are what caused you to miss class today," wrote Hunter. "In the future, if you are having trouble finding someone to watch Korbyn, please feel free to BRING HER with you to class. I would be absolutely delighted to hold her while I teach, so that you can still pay attention to the class and take notes."

"I work for the Department of CHILD and FAMILY Studies – so how terrible would it be, if I was unwilling to have a child visit our class?" she added. "I'm very serious with this offer – just bring Korbyn with you!"

After the email was republished thousands of times on social media, Hunter seemed amused by the attention.

"It seems you have made us ‘Twitter famous' — ha!" Hunter wrote in a follow-up message. "I can't believe so many people are reacting to the email I sent you earlier this week. Seems to me that inviting Korbyn to class was just the decent thing to do."

While it may be the decent thing to do, we still give Professor Hunter an A+ for kindness towards a struggling student.

Click To Share This Sweet Story With Your Friends (Photo by Morgan King)

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