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School Principal Writes Adorable Letter to the Tooth Fairy After Distraught Boy Loses Tooth During Recess

School Principal Writes Adorable Letter to the Tooth Fairy After Distraught Boy Loses Tooth During Recess
When a distressed little boy couldn't find his front tooth on the playground, his principal wrote a sweet letter of pardon on the youngster's behalf.

It's always exciting for a young child to be visited by the Tooth Fairy—so when this Wisconsin elementary school student lost one of his loosened front teeth amidst the chaos of a playground game, he was distraught.

The first grader from Gillett Elementary had been playing a game called "ga-ga ball" with his classmates earlier this month when he suddenly found that his loose tooth had disappeared.

The youngster may have swallowed the wiggly tooth; or it may have simply fallen out onto the ground. Regardless, parents and teachers alike rallied together to scour the playground in hopes of finding the boy's lost tooth—but to no avail.

The boy then approached Principal Curt Angeli for help. Upon listening to the boy's story, Angeli knew just what to do: he wrote a letter to the Tooth Fairy as an official pardon for the tooth's disappearance.

The note read: "Dear Tooth Fairy: Today, [my student] lost a tooth while playing outside at recess. Unfortunately, it was lost in our ga-ga pit, and despite the valiant efforts of an intrepid search team, we were unable to recover the tooth.

"As a trained principal and hobby dentist, I can verify that there is definitely a gap in [the student's] teeth that was not there this morning when he came in. Please accept this letter as official verification of a lost tooth and provide the standard monetary exchange rate you normally use for a real tooth."

Angeli then concluded the letter with an amusing note to the fairy, saying: "P.S. I am still waiting for the money for my wisdom teeth from 1987. Please remit as soon as possible."

Since a photo of the letter was published by a Gillett Elementary School teacher, it has been shared hundreds of times by social media users praising the principal for going above and beyond the call of duty to comfort a distressed child.

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